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Saturday, 25 October 2014

having a blast in cracow

The weather just simply didn't want to get better. It rained. A lot.
Nevertheless we didn't let it get to us - with grins on our faces we were wandering through cubbled streets of Cracow. We found a great place to cheer ourselves up - Cupcake Corner Bakery. It doesn't get any better than a cup of good coffee and a cupcake to go along with it. I went for peanut butter one (well, obviously) and Peter decided to have raspberry and chocolate one. And as finger-licking good they were I don't think I've ever been so sugared up in my life. 

It kept on raining for quite some time and soon the river was near to overflood.

We were scared the concert will get canceled but fortunately the weather cleared out last minute and it all was okay. We wanted to get to the place an hour earlier but of course something had to go wrong and we found ourselves being lost and wandering through some unknown streets and forests (yeah, forests) with a group of russian girls who didn't know the way either. Sounds like fun, right? In the end we found the place and to our astonishment we were really close to the stage. Like in second row, so it was perfect if you ask me.

There were few polish artists performing. But I enjoyed Dawid Podsiadło the most. He's very talented young vocalist and he's actually won that "talent tv show" here in Poland.
Brodka's performance was pretty cool as well, but I couldn't wait till The Neighbourhood show.
I've got just these two. I couldn't care less about taking pictures during their gig, somebody had to scream at the top of theirs lungs after all, am I right? They've performed for around 45 minutes which was a shame, but I've enjoyed myself anyway. There's just that cool vibe to them, and the lyrics, everything fits perfectly.

If you ever get a chance to go and see them live - please do. You won't regret it.

Monday, 13 October 2014

lomo pictures

I've always been into photography. There's just something really cool about making a moment of your life freeze. A moment that you can always come back to, relive over and over again. 

In my opinion photography is enormously important when it comes to travelling. So I try to improve my skills with every trip I take. I'd love to carry my DSLR everywhere with me, but it's just not convenient. And that's why I always have my Diana Mini with me - it's not only small, but it's also real fun!
Anyways, back to what I was saying - lomography. It's just such a fun thing, that film photography. You never know how the picture will come out.

Recently I've developed a film from a while back. The pictures turned out really great I think, mostly because I kinda messed the film up. I soaked it with water, shampoo and a bit of salt and sugar.

Here are the results:

Sunday, 5 October 2014

why did I fall in love.. with cracow

Since the fall has come and utter boredom and never-ending coldness with it I decided to write something about my trip to Cracow.
(yep, I'm living through memories now when nothing exciting is happening)

I went there in May and it was a very spontaneous trip per usual. Me and my good friend (and best travel-buddy) Peter decided to spend there three days mostly sight-seeing, but of course - a gig had to be involved. There was a students' event being organised at the time and we thought that it was a cool idea to attend it.

 * * *

Nadeszła jesień a wraz z nią okres kompletnej nudy i niekończącego się zimna. Dlatego też postanowiłam napisać o mojej wyprawie do Krakowa (tak, żyję wspomnieniami, kiedy nic ciekawego się u mnie nie dzieje)

Kraków odwiedziłam w maju, była to kolejna spontaniczna wycieczka. Wraz z moim dobrym kolegą (i najlepszym kompanem podróży) postanowiliśmy spędzić tam trzy dni, głównie zwiedzając, ale oczywiście nie obyło się bez koncertu. Akurat w czasie naszego pobytu w Krakowie organizowane były Czyżenalia, w których postanowiliśmy wziąć udział.

 It was my first time in Cracow and I have to admit - it's the most georgous city in Poland. (Wroclaw is right behind) To był mój pierwszy raz w Krakowie i muszę przyznać, że to najpiękniejsze miasto w Polsce.

 After our arrival we got to downtown.
Zaraz po przyjeździe udaliśmy się na starówkę.
The weather wasn't cooperating with us - it was raining all the time.
 Pogoda z nami nie współpracowała - cały czas padało.
We've visited Kazimierz as well. It's an old jewish district and it feels like a way different city. (well for me it does)
 Odwiedziliśmy również Kazimierz, który zdawał mi się niemal innym miastem.
I've taken my tripod with me so we decided to give it a go one evening.
Zabrałam ze sobą statyw, więc pewnego wieczoru postanowiliśmy go wypróbować.

Cracow by night is even more beutiful than in a daytime. And the fact that it's so multicultural makes it even a better place for me. I love that melting-pot type cities.
Kraków nocą jest jeszcze piękniejszy niż za dnia.

Next time I'll write about that whole Czyżenalia experience. Stay tuned. 
Następnym razem napiszę o Czyżenaliach.