If you told me a year ago that I would go to Scandinavia, I would have never believed you. It was my ultimate dream destination and to be honest, I don't even know why. There's just something very different and interesting at the same time to this particular part of Europe: history, culture, languages. (and well, I feel like I need to mention Vikings here as I'm a history geek like that) This trip taught me many things about Denmark, things that actually made me fall for this country. Now I'm 100% sure that it is the perfect place for me to live in the near future. (I'm even willing to pay that horrendous 36% tax)
On 27th (our first full day in Scandinavia) we decided to go to Malmo as it's a stone's throw from Copenhagen. I was really excited as I didn't know what to expect...
On 27th (our first full day in Scandinavia) we decided to go to Malmo as it's a stone's throw from Copenhagen. I was really excited as I didn't know what to expect...
The weather when we arrived was rather promising. But don't let the sun trick you - it was freezing cold. Welcome to Sweden, right?
We decided to have a stroll around the town as we had around seven hours to kill.
It surprised me how empty Malmo seemed when we got there. Okay, maybe it was 9am on Friday morning but still! Even in the afternoon there weren't that many people around. So calm and peaceful. I kinda liked it.
Of course we had to see the famous Turning Torso, so we headed to the district where it is located. It was pretty impressive but I found it really weird at the same time. Maybe because it's so different to the rest of the city.
After an hour or so the weather got much worse - it was really foggy as you can see in these pictures. At least it wasn't raining. (Yet)
We got to the beach and were astonished by its peacefulness. Perfect place to wind down.
Coming back to the centre we found a playground for dogs. I remember watching all those Animal Planet programmes about dog training so it was cool to see a place like that in real life. (I know, I get excited by the most stupid things)
Even though you couldn't feel the spring in the air, you could definitely see it.
Then we headed to the most mysterious park I've ever been to.
We passed by Malmö Opera and Music Theatre.
We walked by so many interesting shop windows. We even visited the most amazing stationery store I've ever been to. (and the most expensive one by the way)
It was so cold that we decided to have a cup of coffee.
After wandering for almost six hours we were really tired, cold and just wanted to come back to Copenhagen. I know I shouldn't be complaining, we were in freaking Malmo after all, but I can't help it.
Nevertheless, driving across the Øresund Bridge was an amazing experience.

Simon was already waiting for us. We told him about our thoughts on Malmo and he told us about his day full of studies. Btw, Copenhagen is probably the only place where you can take African Studies. It's really interesting. We were talking about everything from crazy travels across Russia to bike industry in Denmark.
It was Friday, aka the Vikings day (guys, you have to see this show, it's like the best), so Simon made us a delicious Danish meal, we had some wine and then we watched the new episode. On the freaking wall. I felt like we were in the cinema and let me tell you, watching the Vikings on a 'big screen' was one of the highlights of out trip. I mean, Vikings actually WERE from Denmark so that was a big deal for me!
We were so tired after the whole day that in no time we found ourselves sleeping.
It was a good first day in Scandinavia.
Nevertheless, driving across the Øresund Bridge was an amazing experience.
When we got back, it was the first time we actually could catch a glimpse of the city. And let me tell you - it was love from the first sight. I had so many expectations and Copenhagen did not let me down in any aspect. This city is just perfect.

Simon was already waiting for us. We told him about our thoughts on Malmo and he told us about his day full of studies. Btw, Copenhagen is probably the only place where you can take African Studies. It's really interesting. We were talking about everything from crazy travels across Russia to bike industry in Denmark.
It was Friday, aka the Vikings day (guys, you have to see this show, it's like the best), so Simon made us a delicious Danish meal, we had some wine and then we watched the new episode. On the freaking wall. I felt like we were in the cinema and let me tell you, watching the Vikings on a 'big screen' was one of the highlights of out trip. I mean, Vikings actually WERE from Denmark so that was a big deal for me!
We were so tired after the whole day that in no time we found ourselves sleeping.
It was a good first day in Scandinavia.
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