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Saturday, 27 June 2015


Today I came across some pictures that I completely forgot to share. I took them when me and Peter decided to visit the most beautiful and charming neighbourhood in the whole of Amsterdam - Jordaan.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Sunday, 21 June 2015


Few days pass and we feel like locals. We know all those little streets and shortways that most of the people visiting Amsterdam just don't seem to care about. We avoid the centre - it's way to loud. And way to crowdy. So we find ourselves wandering around, breathing Amsterdam's air in and out. And it feels great to be there.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

amsterdam video diary

I've decided to finally put some clips from Amsterdam together and that's how this video came to life.
I know that I'm probably not the best videomaker there is but hope you'll enjoy it anyway!

Sunday, 7 June 2015

arriving in amsterdam

It's 3am in the morning and we're still half-asleep but it doesn't mean that we're too half-asleep to have a bowl of porridge (of course) to get us going. We're not running late but we get our luggages in a hurry anyway, we don't want things to go bad. 

Driving through Warsaw in the middle of the night feels rather special, even though I despise this city. (kind of harsh for me to say that, I know) We're wondering why this city has a weird atmosphere going on and we agree that's probably because so many people died there during the war. Then we agree that it's probably too early for us to think about those things so we keep silence till we arrive at the station.

It's very warm considering it's only 4am. We're getting more and more excited, we're doing to Amsterdam after all! We arrive at the station, then we take the train to the airport and in no time we're seated in the plane. The flight is fine and as soon as we're above the Netherlands we see all those beautiful fields. It's green everywhere and we're wondering how we'll feel about this country. Neither of us have ever been to Holland.

We land at Eindhoven's airport and it gets to us. The temperature I mean. Considering it was around 25 degrees in Warsaw (in the middle of the night let me add!) - having to get used to 1 degree is a struggle.
I mean, we knew from the beginning that something would go wrong - we've forgotten half of the things that we wanted to take with us. It hasn't even been three weeks till our trip to Denmark so we were still kind of mellow I guess. But hey, wouldn't it be boring if everything always went great? I don't think so.

We have our coffee while waiting for the bus to Amsterdam. The wind blows strongly but we're staying positive. We're looking forward to seeing all those beautiful canals and buildings in one of the most beautiful cities in the whole world.